Individual Coaching

Serving my client’s unique needs is at the heart of everything I do. Bringing an unwavering, deep level of attention and appreciation reliably reveals the innate wisdom within everyone. Clarity of thought and decisive action follow, and lives are changed for the better. In many cases, they are not just incrementally better but life-altering in the best ways possible.

Everything starts with a complimentary chat to see if working together is a great fit and the timing is right for us to start working together.

Sometimes, these chats are enough, but if more is needed, I offer individual sessions and packages that range in length and duration based on the specific needs of you, the client.

To learn more about my approach to coaching and the principles behind it take a look at this page

All client engagements are customized to each individual clients needs, but here are a few common engagements that people seem to appreciate most:

Individual ‘Thinking Sessions’ are ideal when you need a private uninterrupted space to ‘think out loud’, brainstorm, or get help with a specific issue. Great for getting ideas out of your head, making plans, and exploring your own thinking with a committed and experienced coach that can lead you, rather than give you, the answers you seek.

A package of six sessions over a short period of time (usually 3 months or less) can help you get your ideas out in the open and start making stuff happen. These are ideal for clients working on short-term projects, brainstorming something new or wanting to dip their toes in the world of non-dual coaching.

Intensives are a usually in-person and can last several hours to a few days. They are a great way to immerse yourself in whatever it is you need to work on. Think of it as a guided retreat to take time out of your busy schedule to slow things down.

Get in touch to schedule a chat using this form,

or send an email to me at: